
Don’t Point Fingers During Elul

As I watched President Biden’s speech on September 1, I was astonished to see him point his finger and say, “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” Not only was he declaring tens of millions of his own citizens enemies of the State, but he was basically pointing the […]

Dealing with the enemy like Abraham

Each of the Patriarchs represents a different character trait we strive to emulate. Avraham represents “Chesed” – “loving-kindness.” This manifests itself in performing selfless acts with a focus on helping others. This week’s Torah portion, VaYera (Genesis 18:1 – 23:20) continues with the saga of Avraham’s life and introduces us to the people of Sodom. […]

An Ancient Prayer that Can Save Israel

At the end of this post is the ancient prayer authored by King Hezekiah that we should be shouting to the heavens These are frightening times for the People of Israel. The enemy has slaughtered eleven of God’s children in the the middle of Shabbat Prayers in a Synagogue. It’s a wake-up call for the […]

Bibi, Barack and Moshe

Bibi, Barack and Moshe – How to choose a leader We are in the middle of election season here in Israel and the frenzy of primary voting among the competing parties. Ironically, the reason for the election is the controversy of Bibi Netanyahu wanting to embed in Israeli law that the State of Israel is […]

Sweden, Chanukah and Jewish Identity

Jews must abandon their Jewish identity to become Swedes The holidays are over but we want to focus your attention on an event that caused a minor storm during Chanukah, but was probably glossed over by most people because we were all so busy preparing and celebrating. Deputy-Speaker of the Swedish government, Bjorn Soder made […]

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