Author : Shmuel

Kill us, or love us to death…

Detail from a mosaic from a public building in the mixed Jewish/Roman village of Tzipori (Sephorris). Roman and Greek culture was everywhere. There have been two basic strategies to destroy the Jewish People throughout history. 1. KILL US The most obvious one is to go to war with us and physically kill us.. like Haman […]

Esau: Give me some of the red stuff!

Esav (Esau) and Yaakov (Jacob) were twins. The first to be born was Esav, and he came out red (adom), and hairy all over, therefore they called his name Esav (Asui means fully formed). (Gen 26:25) Later, when he grows up he will be given another name, Edom, (which means red). So we might think […]

Machpela in Hebron – Whose cave is it?

This week’s Torah portion begins with our Matriarch Sarah’s death and Avraham’s purchase of the Machpelah Cave in Hebron as a family burial plot. (Chaiye Sarah Gen: 23) The Torah goes into great detail about the negotiations between Avraham and Ephron who was the owner of the field and the cave complex in it. The […]

Abraham, Isaac and Jerusalem…

One of our subscribers shared this lovely photo of Jerusalem on her FB page. (I think she did it by mistake). It is from a Palestinian Arab propaganda site called “Days of Palestine” and the captions says, “Good morning from Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Palestine. (sic)” It’s ironic that this appears in the week […]

The Age of the Universe

Does an observant Jew really have to believe that the world is just under 6000 years old? Here’s one approach to resolving the Biblical and Scientific Ages of the Universe.

A Phone Call from the President

Many years ago, at a talk given during Elul at Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem, the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Noah Weinberg zt’l posed the following challenge: “Over and over again throughout the Rosh Hashanah prayer service we ask God that He rule over the entire world and that all humanity should recognize His Kingship. We know […]

Don’t Point Fingers During Elul

As I watched President Biden’s speech on September 1, I was astonished to see him point his finger and say, “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” Not only was he declaring tens of millions of his own citizens enemies of the State, but he was basically pointing the […]

Student Loan Forgiveness – What does the Torah say?

Shalom from Tiveryah! US President Biden announced a Student Loan forgiveness plan which has stirred up quite a storm in America. There are passionate supporters for the program, and passionate opinions against. Economic repercussions as well as moral and ethical issues are being argued. As an Israeli, I don’t have a horse in this race, […]

Natural Born Citizen – As King of Israel and US President

According to the US Constitution, a candidate for President (and Vice President) must be a “natural born citizen.” But the constitution does not define the term. So what did the the drafters of the Constitution have in mind? And did the Torah’s requirements for eligibility to be the King of Israel influence their decision? Does […]

We Pray – They Slay

Motzei Shabbat – Saturday night is a time many residents and tourists choose to visit the Old City of Jerusalem and pray at the Western Wall. Saturday night, August 13 2022, as Jewish families were boarding a public bus just outside the Old City gate near the Western Wall, a local Arab terrorist opened fire […]

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