Torah & News

Korona, Ukraine, Koincidence?

Who started it, and who can stop the plagues and war? This week we begin reading the book of Leviticus, or VaYikra in Hebrew וַיִּקְרָא. In Hebrew, the 5 books of the Torah are named after the first meaningful word in the book. Here is how Leviticus starts: וַיִּקְרָא אֶל־מֹשֶׁה וַיְדַבֵּר יְהֹוָה אֵלָיו מֵאֹהֶל מוֹעֵד […]

The Golden Calf and the Truckers’ Convoy in Canada

Supporting the “Cause” – Are there lessons from the Golden Calf episode that we can apply to the Truckers Convoy? WARNING: I’m not comparing the Golden Calf worshipers to the Truckers.. read to the end. This week’s Torah Portion, Ki Tisa ( Exodus 30:11-34:35) begins with God instructing each male of army age (20 and […]

Dealing with the enemy like Abraham

Each of the Patriarchs represents a different character trait we strive to emulate. Avraham represents “Chesed” – “loving-kindness.” This manifests itself in performing selfless acts with a focus on helping others. This week’s Torah portion, VaYera (Genesis 18:1 – 23:20) continues with the saga of Avraham’s life and introduces us to the people of Sodom. […]

Part II – Deal of the Century from a Torah Perspective

In Part I, we learned that the Torah treats the Land of Israel as a “Morasha” – a Heritage handed down from the previous generation. The Land must be possessed and preserved by the current generation to be handed down to the next generation for eternity. The idea to “give away parts of the Land […]

Part1 – Deal of the Century from a Torah Perspective

On January 28, 2020 President Trump announced the “Deal of the Century.” It is his plan to settle the conflict between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. (Read all 181 pages here) Unlike any previous peace plans in the history of the State of Israel, this one was almost universally lauded by the […]

An Ancient Prayer that Can Save Israel

At the end of this post is the ancient prayer authored by King Hezekiah that we should be shouting to the heavens These are frightening times for the People of Israel. The enemy has slaughtered eleven of God’s children in the the middle of Shabbat Prayers in a Synagogue. It’s a wake-up call for the […]

Knowing What Abraham Knew About the 10 Commandments

Contrary to popular opinion, the first of the Ten Commandments is NOT “to believe in God.” In the Mishna Torah, Maimonides teaches that the first commandment articulated as “I am the Lord your God…” is be understood as an obligation “to KNOW there is a first Being.” To confuse matters further, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal) […]

‘This is Your Life’ and Holocaust Memorial Day

That’s Ralph Edwards on the left hosting a 1961 live episode of the most popular television show at the time, “This is Your Life.” What do these people have to do with Galilee Green? Holocaust memorial day in Israel is called Yom HaShoah veHaGevurah (Holocaust and Heroism Day) In addition to commemorating the death of […]

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